I am a third-generation Montanan who grew up working on farms and ranches in central part of the state. After high school, I attended U of M for my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science with minors in both Math and Media Arts with an emphasis in Accounting. I continue to be a life-long learner.
After doing my time in the hi-tech world of Silicon Valley, my wife Laurie and I moved back to Montana to raise our family. When we decided to have kids, I volunteered for the job as primary caregiver choosing to be a stay-at-home-dad while still volunteering for a multitude of non-profit, childhood and education related causes in the Missoula area. We are also licensed as foster care parents, at times having cared for as many as seven kids in our house ranging from the age of four to sixteen.
Having experience as a small business owner, I value the hard work and challenges that the long hours and tremendous commitment it takes to run a business.
Some of the various organizations I either financially support or volunteer for include:
- Americans United
- Blue Mountain 4-H (Coach and volunteer)
- Camp Mak-A-Dream / RATPOD (volunteer / participant)
- Couchsurfing (Host family)
- Freedom From Religion Foundation
- Future Agriculture Resources of Montana (board Member)
- International Choral Festival (host family)
- Licensed Foster Parents through Mt. Child Protective Services and DPHHS
- Missoula Area Secular Society
- Missoula Children’s Theater (host family)
- Missoula Democrats
- Missoula Freecycles (volunteer)
- Missoula County Public Schools
- Missoula Tweed Ride (organizer, volunteer, participant)
- Montana Democrats
- Montana Public Radio (volunteer)
- Orchard Homes Country Life Club (board member)
- Recycling Works (volunteer)
- Robotics (coach)
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
- Science Olympiad (coach)
- Spirit At Play Early Childhood Program (board member)
- SSI Scuba Diving Instructor
- Target Range Homeowners Association (board member)
- Target Range School (elected trustee)
- Target Range Sewer & Water District (board member)
- The Lifelong Learning Center (adult education instructor)
- The Ronald McDonald House (volunteer)
- The Poverello Center (volunteer)
- Watson’s Children’s Home (volunteer)
- Wild Rockies Field Institute (volunteer)
- Wrestling (middle school coach)